Posted on August 1, 2021August 1, 2021Tags

Historic Church Restoration Nears the Finish Line / Target Re-Opening Date is Thanksgiving Day

The four-year restoration project to rebuild a damaged Pacific icon is approaching the finish line. The Historic First Baptist Church restoration committee and church leaders continue to host fundraising activities and prepare to complete the restoration and turn the rebuilt church over to Pastor Robert Stevenson and the congregation by Thanksgiving Day. Four years after flood water washed through the historic frame church and education building, destroying the interior – for the fourth time in recent memory – plans to … Continue reading “Historic Church Restoration Nears the Finish Line / Target Re-Opening Date is Thanksgiving Day”

Posted on July 28, 2021July 28, 2021Tags 1 Comment on Senior Center to Launch Movie this Friday / Showing True Grit Starring John Wayne

Senior Center to Launch Movie this Friday / Showing True Grit Starring John Wayne

The Tri County Senior Center is launching a new community event – Movie Night. The first movie night is this Friday, July 30. Showtime is 6:00 p.m. The film to be shown is True Grit, starring John Wayne. Admission cost is $5. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Popcorn, soda, and hot dogs will be available. Dave Fox, music DJ is organizing the Movie Night program as a new Senior Center fundraiser. If the public turns out for the movie, Fox … Continue reading “Senior Center to Launch Movie this Friday / Showing True Grit Starring John Wayne”

Posted on July 27, 2021July 27, 2021Tags 2 Comments on Pacific Lions Club Pancake Breakfast Continues to Attract Friends and Family

Pacific Lions Club Pancake Breakfast Continues to Attract Friends and Family

Old friends and new gathered for the perennial Pacific Lions Club pancake breakfast at the Tri-County Senior Center last Sunday.  A crew of Lions arrived at 6:00 a.m. to setup for the event. Lions crew grew to 14. They were joined by six Senior Center volunteers to cook up and serve all-you-can-eat eggs, pancakes, sausages, biscuits and gravy. A youth crew of Scouts and Little Lions (grandchildren of Lions) served beverages, included refills and bused tables.   Placemats identified 32 … Continue reading “Pacific Lions Club Pancake Breakfast Continues to Attract Friends and Family”

Posted on July 22, 2021July 24, 2021Tags

St. Patrick’s Old Rock Church Plans Modified Picnic This year / Carry Out Meals With Tables Set up for Outdoor Dining

St. Patrick’s Old Rock Church will revise its annual third Sunday in August homecoming picnic, Aug. 15 but has modified the famous fried chicken and roast beef dinner to Drive Through and Carry Out.  Tables will be set up throughout the picnic grounds and the Preservation Society will offer water, soda and beer. Cost of the dinners will be $13. Dinners of either chicken or beef will come with all sides and no substitutions. After cancelling the popular picnic last … Continue reading “St. Patrick’s Old Rock Church Plans Modified Picnic This year / Carry Out Meals With Tables Set up for Outdoor Dining”

Posted on July 18, 2021July 24, 2021Tags 1 Comment on Welcome to My New Blog

Welcome to My New Blog

I want to introduce readers to my new blog, which I’m calling Hometown Matters. My previous blog, started in August 1919, was based on my former Missourian Newspaper column of the same name. I chose that name because I thought readers familiar with my column might take a peek at my blog. After two years, and much advice from seasoned blog hosts, I decided to take a more serious and more universal approach to blogging. My topics and writing … Continue reading “Welcome to My New Blog”

Posted on July 18, 2021July 22, 2021Tags

Dancing Seniors Have Fun and Stay Fit

On a recent Tuesday evening, ninety year old Juel Williams whirled Bonnie Schulte around the dance floor at the Tri County Senior Center’s first dance since COVID closed the center fourteen months ago. Williams said dancing is something that just feels good when you’re doing it. The couple, Washington residents, were among 28 individuals who attended the July 13 tune fest. Veteran line dance instructor Charlie Ash took to the floor to lead half a dozen dancers to the infectious … Continue reading “Dancing Seniors Have Fun and Stay Fit”