Welcome to My New Blog

I want to introduce readers to my new blog, which I’m calling Hometown Matters. My previous blog, ihaveotellyou.com started in August 1919, was based on my former Missourian Newspaper column of the same name. I chose that name because I thought readers familiar with my column might take a peek at my blog.

After two years, and much advice from seasoned blog hosts, I decided to take a more serious and more universal approach to blogging. My topics and writing style won’t change much.  I will continue to dig into stories, both events of the past and things that are happening now. My goal is to shed light on what matters in our hometown.

This is not meant to be the final answer to any story, but to be my  personal take on events. 

This blog is about the people, places and events that matter in their hometown. I believe telling the stories of local people and programs is the best tool to create hometown identity. With printed newspapers retrenching everywhere, many small cities do not have a local newspaper to report on what matters in their community.

As a retired journalist with an affinity for storytelling, I will report events from the perspective of the impact they had on the community in which they occurred. My mission is to shed light on everyday, hometown events that matter. Posts will include pictures of people and places. Expect to see stories on the communities of Pacific, Catawissa, Robertsville, Villa Ridge, Gray Summit, Labadie and beyond.

If you have a story that you would like to see reported please email me at [email protected].

Author: paulinemasson

Pauline Masson, editor/publisher.

One thought on “Welcome to My New Blog”

  1. Pat Andrae says:

    Great idea Pauline! I follow your column every week.
    I was thinking the other day about our oldest veterans and how they are fading away. I especially think of veterans like cal Koelling who were injured and received a Purple Heart. I’m sure there are more in the area. With patriotism much needed in our country this would be a story worth hearing!! Just my thought with the new post office named after Jeffrey White, it would be nice to recognize those oldest heroes that are still here.
    Thanks for your stories, I love them!
    Pat Andrae

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