Posted on August 7, 2021August 8, 2021Tags 2 Comments on City Edges Toward Goal of Improving Truck Routes as 1st & Osage Widening Moves Forward / Historic House to Come Down

City Edges Toward Goal of Improving Truck Routes as 1st & Osage Widening Moves Forward / Historic House to Come Down

The City has applied for a federal grant to cover 80 percent of the $1.1 million cost to widen the heavily travelled intersection at First and Osage streets. The East-West Gateway Council of Governments has a recommended approval of the federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) grant, but award of the grant is subject to approval at the East West Gateway October, 2021 meeting.   The federal amount of the 80-20 matching grant is $892,173. The City’s 20 percent match … Continue reading “City Edges Toward Goal of Improving Truck Routes as 1st & Osage Widening Moves Forward / Historic House to Come Down”

Posted on August 7, 2021August 8, 2021Tags 1 Comment on Bikers’ Poker Run Yields Big Hand for Church Restoration Project

Bikers’ Poker Run Yields Big Hand for Church Restoration Project

The July 24, second annual Danny “Turtle” Johnson motorcycle poker run landed a big hand for the Historic First Baptist Church restoration project. When the 150-plus poker hands, tee shirt sales, auction and meals were tallied, the day had yielded a total of $15,411. Of that $1,300 was donated to the American Heart Association, in Johnson’s honor, leaving $14,111 to help complete work on the church. “It took a lot of people to bring it all together,” said Norbert Gildehaus. … Continue reading “Bikers’ Poker Run Yields Big Hand for Church Restoration Project”

Posted on August 5, 2021August 8, 2021Tags 1 Comment on City Abandons Rule to Give Fence Violators a Year to Comply / Aldermen Target One Property Owner

City Abandons Rule to Give Fence Violators a Year to Comply / Aldermen Target One Property Owner

When neighbors Bobby Villery and Dawn Metzger were cited for identical fence violations in the Autumn of 2018, Villery was given 30 days to bring his fence into compliance while Metzger was given a year.  Aldermen Herb Adams protested the different treatment of the two residents and asked the administration to come up with a solution. Mayor Steve Myers and City Administrator Steve Roth crafted a letter of apology to Villery, enclosed a check to reimburse him for the $37.00 … Continue reading “City Abandons Rule to Give Fence Violators a Year to Comply / Aldermen Target One Property Owner”

Posted on August 5, 2021August 8, 2021Tags 1 Comment on Saints Alive / 9 Hogan Siblings Named Aloysius

Saints Alive / 9 Hogan Siblings Named Aloysius

In the 1890 when Alice Hogan gave birth to the first of nine children, the odds were against her. Statistics showed that about one fourth of all babies died in their first year, and half of all children died before they reached the end of puberty. Hoping for better odds, Alice decided to appeal to the saints. She named her son George Aloysius, in honor of Saint Aloysius, an obscure eighteenth century saint that the Catholic Church had identified as … Continue reading “Saints Alive / 9 Hogan Siblings Named Aloysius”

Posted on August 3, 2021August 8, 2021Tags 3 Comments on Pacific Wants to Clean Up I-44 Exit and Entrance Ramps / Target Truckers As Biggest Litterbugs

Pacific Wants to Clean Up I-44 Exit and Entrance Ramps / Target Truckers As Biggest Litterbugs

Pacific official want to clean up the I-44 exit and entrance ramps. They say the entrances are the first spaces people see when they come into the city and they want to improve the city’s image. Specifically Pacific officials want to pick up litter, improve the landscaping and prohibit truckers from parking on the ramp overnight. They say truckers are biggest culprits, tossing uneaten food, food cartons and even human waste onto the side of the ramp. The city has … Continue reading “Pacific Wants to Clean Up I-44 Exit and Entrance Ramps / Target Truckers As Biggest Litterbugs”

Posted on August 3, 2021August 8, 2021Tags

Model A Rebuilder Has a Soft Spot for Henry Ford

Pacific resident Palmer Lawson is on a first name basis with the nation’s best known auto maker. The late Henry Ford is an icon of Americana – hands down one of the best known Americans of all generations, up there with Abraham Lincoln, Charles Lindberg, or John Wayne.  Still when people refer to the creator of the Model T they give you the full name, “Henry Ford.” Hardly anyone would know who you were talking about if you simply said … Continue reading “Model A Rebuilder Has a Soft Spot for Henry Ford”

Posted on August 1, 2021August 8, 2021Tags 4 Comments on Dessert Lovers Are In for a Treat This Wednesday / Julie Jones Killer Coconut Cake at the Senior Center

Dessert Lovers Are In for a Treat This Wednesday / Julie Jones Killer Coconut Cake at the Senior Center

If you love dessert, you need to pay attention to what is happening over at the Tri-County senior center. A group of cooks are vying for bragging rights in a dessert competition to provide the dessert that earns the greatest raves from the lunch crowd. In the past six weeks they’ve baked up gourmet pies, sheet cakes, fruit cobblers, fruit tarts, decadent chocolate chip cookies, and the Magnolia Restaurant, Manhattan’s creamy banana cream pudding – and delivered it to the … Continue reading “Dessert Lovers Are In for a Treat This Wednesday / Julie Jones Killer Coconut Cake at the Senior Center”

Posted on July 30, 2021August 8, 2021Tags 8 Comments on Contractor Who Excavated Pacific Hillside Without a Permit Goes to Prison For Defrauding Businesses In 24 States, Using the Mail

Contractor Who Excavated Pacific Hillside Without a Permit Goes to Prison For Defrauding Businesses In 24 States, Using the Mail

Chad Neal the man known in Pacific for doing things he should not have been doing has ended up in prison for activities that he perpetrated far beyond our borders. In 2017, Chad Neal, operating Orchid Development Company, promised to build a huge commercial development on Hogan Road, on the hillside north of West Osage and I-44. Neal spent 18 days – in clear view of City Hall and to the horror of observing Pacific citizens – knocking down trees … Continue reading “Contractor Who Excavated Pacific Hillside Without a Permit Goes to Prison For Defrauding Businesses In 24 States, Using the Mail”

Posted on July 27, 2021August 8, 2021Tags 1 Comment on High Jumper Catherine Maguire Brought Olympic Fever to Pacific in 1928

High Jumper Catherine Maguire Brought Olympic Fever to Pacific in 1928

The Olympic games in Japan seem to dominate the news and the world wide web, but Olympic fever got it start in our town in 1928 when Pacific High School high jumper Catherine Maguire was on the U.S. track and field team for the Olympic games in Amsterdam. It was the first Olympics that women were allowed to compete in track and field. Six years earlier the Amateur Athletic Union opened track and field events to women. Catherine and her … Continue reading “High Jumper Catherine Maguire Brought Olympic Fever to Pacific in 1928”

Posted on July 25, 2021August 8, 2021Tags

Bikers Rev Up for Poker Run to Benefit Historic First Baptist and Honor the Late Turtle Johnson

On one of the hottest days of the year, 150 motorcycle riders took off at 12:00 p.m from American Legion Post 320 in Pacific to ride 101 miles, to four cities, to raise money to complete restoration of the flood damaged Historic First Baptist Church in Pacific. The July 24 event was the second annual Turtle Johnson poker run to benefit the historic church that was heavily damaged in the flood of 2016. Danny “Turtle” Johnson was a constant supporter … Continue reading “Bikers Rev Up for Poker Run to Benefit Historic First Baptist and Honor the Late Turtle Johnson”