Posted on December 13, 2023December 14, 2023 1 Comment on Silent Movies Concerts and Real Life Celebrities Create a Jumble of Christmas Memories

Silent Movies Concerts and Real Life Celebrities Create a Jumble of Christmas Memories

By Pauline Masson – If you are one of those people that lets name dropping get on your nerves, don’t read this. I’m just having a bout of Christmas memories that toggles between, silent movies, symphony concerts and famous and near famous that I’ve rubbed elbows with. And I wanted to write it down before I forget. What triggered this absolute kaleidoscope of nostalgic moments was an announcement in the New York Times that for three consecutive nights, December 20-22, … Continue reading “Silent Movies Concerts and Real Life Celebrities Create a Jumble of Christmas Memories”

Posted on December 9, 2023December 9, 2023 1 Comment on In 3-3 Vote Aldermen Disagree On City Worker Pay Raises – Mayor Breaks Tie In Favor Of Employees

In 3-3 Vote Aldermen Disagree On City Worker Pay Raises – Mayor Breaks Tie In Favor Of Employees

By Pauline Masson –   Aldermen disagreed in an even 3-3 split on whether all city workers should get a pay raise beginning in January 2024. Mayor Filley broke the tie in favor of giving the raises. With City Hall audio system not working for the Dec. 5 board meeting, residents had to wait until Saturday, Dec. 9 to hear the discussion as aldermen considered whether to even read the bill to grant a ten percent pay increase for city … Continue reading “In 3-3 Vote Aldermen Disagree On City Worker Pay Raises – Mayor Breaks Tie In Favor Of Employees”

Posted on December 3, 2023December 3, 2023

Selby Calls For Pay Raises For All City Employees – Says “We Have to Keep Our Departments Manned”

By Pauline Masson –  Aldermen are set to act on Tuesday on an ordinance that if approved would give across the board pay raises to all city employees.  It’s worth paying attention to, City Administrator Harold Selby says, because it would help the city fill a number of vacancies where employees have left City of Pacific jobs for higher pay in other cities. The most crucial example is the 911 dispatch desk, which currently has only three employes. “And they … Continue reading “Selby Calls For Pay Raises For All City Employees – Says “We Have to Keep Our Departments Manned””

Posted on November 29, 2023November 29, 2023

BEACON Sign – Lured Motorists to Former Tourist Court – Now Preserves Segment of Rt 66 History

By Pauline Masson –  A neon sign that once lured travelers to a roadside tourist court keeps the adventure of early Route 66 alive in Pacific. For more than 40 years, the tall blinking neon sign invited travelers on the new Route 66 to stop overnight in one of The Beacon Court’s “tastefully decorated cottages.”  When it opened in 1946, Beacon Court, located two miles east of Pacific, had ten units. By this time it closed in the 1980s it … Continue reading “BEACON Sign – Lured Motorists to Former Tourist Court – Now Preserves Segment of Rt 66 History”

Posted on November 27, 2023November 27, 2023

When the Tri-County Senior Center Wanted to Salute Veterans, The Whole Community Pulled Together 

For one recent day the regulars at the Tri-County Senior Center welcomed a mixture of community individuals and groups to pay tribute to local military veterans. The heavily planned luncheon drew a crowd of 100 – more than double the normal Thursday crowd – and fed 80 lunches. Students, veterans’ families, The students who joined the celebration had to get back to class. On Thursday, November 9, the Tri-County Senior Center – joined by Mayor Heather Filley, Jeff and Paula … Continue reading “When the Tri-County Senior Center Wanted to Salute Veterans, The Whole Community Pulled Together “

Posted on November 21, 2023November 21, 2023

Pacific 2023: What Is There To Do in Pacific?

By Pauline Masson –  As a history buff, I spend a lot of time pouring over old newspapers and penned snippets of personal experiences. Here at the end of 2023, it seems like a good time to reflect on how past events and bold thinkers brought us what we have now. When he and his brother inherited half of the three-story (and long neglected) McHugh-Dailey Emporium building at South First and Orleans streets, Jim McHugh visited his old hometown to … Continue reading “Pacific 2023: What Is There To Do in Pacific?”

Posted on November 12, 2023November 12, 2023

Former Mayor Worth Remembering

He built curbs and sidewalks, lobbied for better roads leading into Pacific, organized a volunteer fire department and a public water system – which he saved during a great flood to the peril of his own business – brought commuter rail service to Pacific, and sold Pacific flour to bread basket California bakers at a premium over local sales. Yet he is far enough back in time that few references to him show up today in casual conversation. Alfred Koppitz … Continue reading “Former Mayor Worth Remembering”

Posted on November 1, 2023November 1, 2023 1 Comment on Pink Out Night: 7th, 8th Grade Basketball Teams Show Love and Respect for Popular Coach 

Pink Out Night: 7th, 8th Grade Basketball Teams Show Love and Respect for Popular Coach 

_________________________________________________________________________________________ By Pauline Masson –  When Pacific Middle School Girls Basketball Head Coach Melanie Missey was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was reluctant to share too much with the young athletes she coached. But she soon learned that their knowing would result in an outpouring of the respect and love that she always knew that they had. “At first I didn’t want to share too much. I thought it would be hard for them to comprehend,” Coach Missey said. “They … Continue reading “Pink Out Night: 7th, 8th Grade Basketball Teams Show Love and Respect for Popular Coach “

Posted on October 28, 2023October 31, 2023

Ursula Returns To Dan McClain’s Yard for the  2023 Halloween Extravaganza

By Pauline Masson – This is the 22nd year in a row for Dan McClain’s yard to welcome kids of all ages to come within selfie distance of ghosts, goblins, grinches, bats, dragons, spiders, and the hallmark of all Halloweens past, a coven of witches. This year, the most outrageous witch of them all – Ursula – the villainous sea witch from Walt Disney’s Little Mermaid returns to the Halloween extravaganza in Dan’s yard at South Payne Street and Arbor … Continue reading “Ursula Returns To Dan McClain’s Yard for the  2023 Halloween Extravaganza”

Posted on October 26, 2023October 26, 2023 1 Comment on City Looks at Workers’ Pay Amid Worries of Shortages in Departments and Aging Workers

City Looks at Workers’ Pay Amid Worries of Shortages in Departments and Aging Workers

_________________________________________________________________________________________ By Pauline Masson – Some city departments are short staffed due to the inability to attract new workers while others attract new workers who move on for higher pay after gaining experience for a year or two.  In one crucial department, where employees have remained with city for decades, key workers are approaching retirement age and within a few years could be expected to retire and leave the department with no expierenced workers. The dire description on hiring and … Continue reading “City Looks at Workers’ Pay Amid Worries of Shortages in Departments and Aging Workers”