Posted on April 26, 2023April 26, 2023 4 Comments on As New Aldermen Face First Full Meeting P&Z Calls for Candlewick Gate to Go Back Up

As New Aldermen Face First Full Meeting P&Z Calls for Candlewick Gate to Go Back Up

By Pauline Masson –  When the new board of aldermen – three first termers with one year under their belts and three newly elected – sits for their first full meeting May 2 they will be asked to act on a knotty issue. The Planning & Zoning Commission voted Tuesday evening to recommend that a high tech version of the former gate between Candlewck Lane and the Dailey Industrial Park be installed. This is a recommendation to close Candlewick Lane … Continue reading “As New Aldermen Face First Full Meeting P&Z Calls for Candlewick Gate to Go Back Up”

Posted on April 21, 2023April 21, 2023 1 Comment on Flood of ’82 and Russian Satellite With Funny Name Set Candlewick Lane Traffic Woes In Motion

Flood of ’82 and Russian Satellite With Funny Name Set Candlewick Lane Traffic Woes In Motion

______________________________________________________________________________________ By Pauline Masson –  It might seem unbelievale that a pair of unrleated events that brought us into the modern age 70 years ago set in motion the traffic woes on today’s Candlwick Lane. Joe Dailey developed Pacific’s first industrial park on the south end of town in 1954. In 1957 the Russians launched the first artificial satellite to circle the globe, giving it a funny name that most of us remember.  Thirty years later, in a second set … Continue reading “Flood of ’82 and Russian Satellite With Funny Name Set Candlewick Lane Traffic Woes In Motion”

Posted on April 19, 2023April 19, 2023 4 Comments on Three New Aldermen Seated on the City Board / Practically a Clean Slate of Legislators

Three New Aldermen Seated on the City Board / Practically a Clean Slate of Legislators

By Pauline Masson –  Pacific’s social media community may finally have received what they wished for: a clean slate of city legislators. Three recently elected aldermen: Rafael Madrigal, Ward 1; Anna Meadows, Ward 2; and Debbie Kelley, Ward 3 took their oath of office and took their seats on the Board of Aldermen on Tuesday Apri. 18. They join three first-term aldermen, Rick Presley, Ward 1; James Cleeve, Ward 2; and Scott Lesh, Ward 3,  giving Pacific practically a clean … Continue reading “Three New Aldermen Seated on the City Board / Practically a Clean Slate of Legislators”

Posted on April 15, 2023April 16, 2023 2 Comments on P&Z Public Forum on Candlewick Showed that Government Can Work / Salute to P&Z Chair

P&Z Public Forum on Candlewick Showed that Government Can Work / Salute to P&Z Chair

By Pauline Masson –  Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Linda Bruns welcomed a whirlwind of opinions on the tug of war between a subdivision swamped with traffic and a developer wanting to finish his planned industrial park. And from this seasoned reporter’s view, this is how government is supposed to work. Chairman Bruns went out of her way April 11 to assure that each speaker knew they were being heard and their concerns were taken seriouly. Approximately 20 people were … Continue reading “P&Z Public Forum on Candlewick Showed that Government Can Work / Salute to P&Z Chair”

Posted on April 13, 2023April 14, 2023 3 Comments on P&Z Says City Must Solve Candlewick Lane Traffic Woes Now – Before Building New Industrial Park

P&Z Says City Must Solve Candlewick Lane Traffic Woes Now – Before Building New Industrial Park

By Pauline Masson – Traffic problems on Candlewick Lane will be resolved sooner rather than later if Planning and Zoning Commissioners have their way. The commission voted 6-0 Tuesday, April 11 to postpone action on the preliminary plan for a new industrial park while the city studies traffic leading to the development and considers building a secondary road between Hwy N and Industrial Drive that would take industrial park traffic off Candlewick altogether. What triggered the action was a request … Continue reading “P&Z Says City Must Solve Candlewick Lane Traffic Woes Now – Before Building New Industrial Park”

Posted on April 8, 2023April 9, 2023 10 Comments on City Administrator is Mad at Social Media Comments About Him / Says He Isn’t Going to Take It Anymore

City Administrator is Mad at Social Media Comments About Him / Says He Isn’t Going to Take It Anymore

________________________________________________________________________________________ By Pauline Masson –  It’ll be a whole new ballgame when the newly elected aldermen raise their right hands in the April 18 board meeting. But don’t expect too much change on the let’s tell the aldermen how to be aldermen contest. At last Tuesday’s meeting, a resolution to approve a proposed Handbook for Newly Elected Officials sent the discussion careening like a bad hit ball bouncing along the baseline. Eventually a 6-0 unanimous vote sent the controversial rule … Continue reading “City Administrator is Mad at Social Media Comments About Him / Says He Isn’t Going to Take It Anymore”

Posted on April 6, 2023April 6, 2023 5 Comments on Big Internet Supreme Court Case and Free Speech in Pacific? Yep

Big Internet Supreme Court Case and Free Speech in Pacific? Yep

An Essay by Pauline Masson It might sound ungraceful to say, ‘I don’t give advice and I don’t accept advice from anyone else.’ It’s true, I don’t, in either case. But its a misleading truth. Because, I suppose, of my willingness to voice inconvenient truths, it may appesar that I know exactly what I think on each and every subject, and I’m not about to change my mind.  Almost the opposite is true. I ponder every point of view: read, … Continue reading “Big Internet Supreme Court Case and Free Speech in Pacific? Yep”

Posted on April 3, 2023April 3, 2023 8 Comments on Aldermen Asked to Approve a Code that Threatens Removal from Office if Their Behavior Displeases the City Administrator

Aldermen Asked to Approve a Code that Threatens Removal from Office if Their Behavior Displeases the City Administrator

By Pauline Masson –  Aldermen will be asked to approve a strange resolution Tuesday evening that notifies them that they can be removed from office for doing their job in a way that the city administrator finds offensive. The Code, disguised as a “Handbook for Newly Elected Aldermen,” was crafted by the city administrator and the mayor and reviewed in committee by a temporary alderman. It is on the agenda of Tuesday’s meeting as Resolution 2023-31. And, aldermen who will … Continue reading “Aldermen Asked to Approve a Code that Threatens Removal from Office if Their Behavior Displeases the City Administrator”

Posted on April 1, 2023April 1, 2023 2 Comments on Officials Who Don’t Want to Hear from the Citizens Control City Hall / We Can Change That 

Officials Who Don’t Want to Hear from the Citizens Control City Hall / We Can Change That 

Vote for Anna Meadows for Ward 2 Alderman ____________________________________________________________________________________________ By Pauline Masson –  Anna Meadows wants to be the next alderman to represent Ward 2. If elected, Meadows said her number one goal will be to persuade her fellow aldermen to dictate that citizens will be able to address elected and appointed officials at all city meetings. And she, personally, wants to hear from citizens. “I will put my phone number out there and I will invite citizens from all … Continue reading “Officials Who Don’t Want to Hear from the Citizens Control City Hall / We Can Change That “

Posted on March 30, 2023March 30, 2023

In 1888 a Pacific Mother of 12 Commuted to St. Louis Daily to Attend Medical School

__________________________________________________________________________________________ By Pauline Masson – With one day to go, we celebrate March 2023 Pacific “Women in History Month” with an homage to an icon of womanhood, who enjoyed great accomplishments, but was remembered most of all as a mother. No one alive today would remember this lady. But Dr. Margaret Vorbeck was a credit to Pacific’s railroad heritage, our family values and our regard for education. From that day in 1853 when the first train arrived here, Pacific has … Continue reading “In 1888 a Pacific Mother of 12 Commuted to St. Louis Daily to Attend Medical School”