Local Dog Rescuer Worries that Winter is Looming and Threatens Her Most Recent Orphans

Mary Galati has adopted a litter of eight Husky Labrador mix pups – two males and six females – that she hopes to finds permanents homes for before winter set ins. They are eight months old, spayed or neutered, have had all their shots and are healthy, well fed and friendly. There no charge for adoption.

By Pauline Masson –

Here’s a hometown story to warm hearts and minds.

Veteran animal rescuer Mary Galati has adopted a litter of eight abandoned Husky Labrador mix pups, two male and six female, and she is hoping to find permanent homes for them before winter sets in.

They are eight months old, spayed, well fed and healthy. They are mostly golden to light tan in color. They live outside and Mary is worried that they need homes soon. She has eight of the litter left.

Mary, who has been rescuing animals for thirty years, is a fanatic on abandoned animals health and wellness. All her rescued animals are treated to a visit with the vet, the have all their shots, and are fed a diet of the best food for their breed.

Mary doesn’t think her newest charges will grow to much larger than 40 or 60 pounds. Because of their super friendly and eager to please personalites they would make a good pet for any home.

Husky Lab mix breed are intelligent, active and freindly, according to The Labrador site, which specializes in the Husky Lab mix – the Huskador Dog.

Pet owners love both breeds. Labs are first and Huskies are fifteen on the list of the most popular dog breeds.

Labs are loyal “people dogs.” They make for fun-loving, affectionate, and playful pets. Huskies are working dogs. Traditionally, a Husky’s job has been to pull a sled for transportation. Historically, they helped out with hunting and gathering food, firewood, supplies, and other necessities.

The Labrador Retriever dog breed originates from Newfoundland, not nearby Labrador, as the dog’s name might suggest. Labs are working dogs, born with a job to do. As you might guess, that job typically involves the second word in their breed name – retrieving! 

New owners can be reasonably certain that their Lab and Husky mix will be energetic, affable, and affectionate, as well as loyal and highly protective of their family.

They will also likely be hardworking, smart and eminently trainable. And you can likely expect your Siberian Retriever to be a great swimmer.

As he grows up, each day will bring new surprises. Only time will tell which breed-specific traits he has inherited from his Labrador Retriever and Siberian Husky parents, respectively. Both parents grow up to about 24 inches in height, so you can expect a medium to large dog.

He may have facial and body features that lean more towards the Lab or the Husky. He could have brown eyes, blue eyes, or even one of each.

If you’d like to visit the pups to see if one is right for your family, call Mary at 636-234-7299.

Author: paulinemasson

Pauline Masson, editor/publisher.